Thomasville Family Funeral Home
We also offer funeral pre planning and carry a wide selection of caskets vaults urns and burial containers.
Thomasville family funeral home. Green and sons funeral home j c. With locations in thomasville and winston salem we are devoted to providing caring and professional service to families in their time of need. At the new hope no. 1 baptist church cemetery rev.
Throughout the years families have entrusted us to provide what they need to celebrate the lives of their loved ones with services that exemplify honor respect and service excellence. All obituaries j. The caring staff at. Or fairgrove family resource center 159 myrtle dr thomasville nc 27360.
Info on funeral services sending flowers address directions planning. Plan a funeral find contact information and more. Thomasville nc billy edward king 89 went to be with the lord thursday august 13 2020 at his residence with his family by his side. Thomasville funeral home located in north carolina has been serving families in thomasville and surrounding areas for many years.
Family funeral care in thomasville north carolina. Family funeral care in thomasville 18 randolph st thomasville nc 27360 336 472 7723. Green sons funeral home is a family owned business with a long rich heritage of serving thomasville high point winston salem and surrounding communities. Grave side service will be held on saturday april 4 2020 at 1 00 pm.
You can now request information from this business directly from yelp. Ordering flowers from our site ensures that your order will reach us or the family in a timely manner and your gesture of support will remain acknowledged in the book of memories for future generations. Green sons funeral home offers a variety of funeral services from traditional funerals to competitively priced cremations serving thomasville nc and the surrounding communities. In lieu of flowers the family would like memorials to be made to the children s home society of nc po box 14608 greensboro nc 27415.
We thank you for helping to support the family during their time of need and will. 0 reviews that are not currently recommended. Billy was born in stevenson al april 16 1931 a son of the. You could be the first review for thomasville funeral home.
Ronnie mcdaniel will render both. There will be a viewing on friday april 3 2020 in the chapel of thomasville memorial funeral home. Phone number 336 481 0788. Thomasville funeral homes.
18 randolph st thomasville nc 27360. Click to show location on map.